Gibbs models and reflection (1988)
Gibbs models and reflection is a circular process of reflection. This cycle included six steps, which from description to go to feeling, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, action plan. Then, this circle will from action plan to go back to the description. This cycle is talk about the reflection about different area. In this blog, I want to talk about this model in marketing.
1 Description is about to describe the event of your reflection. In marketing we always focus on what the customer buys. For example, this week I bought an umbrella. So, in this step, I will describe this product. Because this step is talking about what did you buy? In my own case, I bought is this week, because the old one is broken. So I ask my friends where they bought an umbrella. I ask my friends because I am not familiar with umbrella marketing. Then, I choose the Argos for shopping, which is my familiar one. Finally, I have it.
2 Feeling is about what you thought in your purchase. We need to use the five whys model in this step. Because we need to find why we recall thinking this event and still want to buy it. Then, we need to explain what I was feeling. For me, the reason is very easy because the weather. Nowadays, the weather is terrible and rainy. My old one was broken last week, so I think I need to get a new one. Then, I go to store to find it and buy it. I feel so result in I can use my umbrella in the raining day. It can help me avoid the problem and protect me and my clothes. But the umbrella is too weak to use it under the heavy wind.
3 evaluations are about what was the good or bad experience in your consumption. In my case, I think I ask my friends first are a useful experience. Because this is my first time to buy an umbrella in the UK. I don’t know where can find it. So I need to ask my friend to gain information about the umbrella. A bad experience is I just think about the design and price, I forgot to thinking about the usage and realistic. This is a big problem because the umbrella is a product for daily use and I use it under the heavy wind. So the realistic need to be a first point when I choose the product.
4 analyses need us to analysis the data from your experience and others. For example, I need to think the quality of the product first. I need to think about my purchase experience and compare with others. I need to find what I am doing well or bad. Then I need to interview others about what the most important reason when they buy the umbrella and dose this choice give you satisfaction. Then, I can analysis the data and get the result about what we need to do first.
5 Conclusion is about what else you could have done. For me, I have used a different view to thinking about the process of purchase umbrella. Then, I need to think how to make the difference. Therefore, when I want to buy something I need to have experiential perception. Then I need to think about a product itself about which aim and functions are the most important. It can help me to make clearer the choice. If I feel satisfaction, I will repeat my purchase again and may become their loyal customer.
6 action plans is about if this event come again, what would you do. For example, if this umbrella is broken again. I need to plan to have a new one. So I need to use this experience and to get the better one. Therefore, I plan to buy a long umbrella with higher quality. Then, I need to compare the design and price. The experience helps me to make the correct decision, and I also need to think what I am feeling in last purchase. If I feel satisfaction, I will plan the same brand in the future.
When you have finished these steps, you can act your plan. Then go back to the description again.
This is a cycle of your reflection of consumption. When you use this cycle to buy the products, it can make the suggestion and help you to buy a more suitable product for you.