
Two dimensions of loyal customer

 two dimensions of loyal customer


According to Engel et al (1995), the more and more companies began to segment their customers, which can help them more understand their customer’s need. I am a loyal customer for two brands: Zara and Tesco. But I have two different positions for these two brands. I am an attitudinal loyal customer for Zara, which means I have the positive attitudinal with Zara, while I am a behavioral loyal customer, that means I have the repeat behavior with Tesco.
For example, I may go to Zara for at least one time per month, because I want to look fashion, which can make me feel confident. Their products have the high fashion element and not expensive price, which makes me like Zara. I trust this brand and believe this product is in-fashion. If they have some mistakes, I may not change my loyalty for repeat purchase. If the products have a little problem, I may trust them it will not happen again, because I have the strong brand image for them. I like this brand, even I am not purchasing frequency, I also have the plan to repeat purchase.
I am Tesco loyal customer too, but I am an only behavioral loyal customer for them. I keep my behavior to repeat purchase in Tesco have two reasons: they sell the daily products with the suitable price; they also are the nearest market near my flat, which can save time for me. This is the biggest reason for chooses the Tesco. I want to get convenience for my shopping. But if Tesco moves their place, I may change my mind.
This is main different between with behavior loyal customer and attitudinal loyal customer. In the relative with attitudinal-behavioral relationship framework, the real loyal customer is who have the high attitudinal and high attitudinal customer. Therefore, the marketer needs to plan how to transfer their behavior loyal customer to attitudinal loyal customer.
I will discuss the relationship with customer loyalty and involvement.


